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Easy like Sunday morning….and Kentucky style french toast!

Kentucky Style French Toast
Kentucky Style French Toast

Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week!

When I was a young girl Dad and Mom helped each other make breakfast on Sunday. My brothers and sister and I scoured the Sunday Funnies while we waited for breakfast. We went to Church and then came home to the smell of Mom’s pot roast.  In my mind it has always been a day for worship and for family.  Even if I don’t go to Church…I feel gratitude and count my blessings. It’s a Sunday thing!

There is just something about Sunday! The words in the song, Easy, that Lionel Richie sings (easy like Sunday morning) strikes a chord with me.  Just hearing those words makes me feel like it is Sunday…or makes me long for Sunday! It reminds me of days spent with Dad and Mom, my kids and grandkids and those easy peaceful Sundays that I spend now with Poppy (my husband).

Sunday breakfast and dinner traditions remained a constant while raising my family. Even when some of the kids had grown and moved away from the nest, for many years Sunday dinner was still at Mom’s! empty nestGrowing and ‘grown’ children with their own families have busy lives. Sunday was generally the easiest day to get everyone together! I loved those days!

Now…my family lives ‘out West’ and Poppy and I are living in Kentucky.

Sunday is our day. We enjoy easy, peaceful Sunday mornings here in our empty nest and I enjoy making us a special breakfast.

Let me see if Poppy enjoyed it….

Kentucky Style French Toast
Kentucky Style French Toast
A bit like bread pudding.
A bit like bread pudding.
Didn't like bit!
Didn’t like bit!

Inspired by an item on a restaurant menu here in Kentucky, I created some Kentucky style french toast this morning. It is delicious! It’s texture and flavor remind me of bread pudding. A bit of bourbon is added to the egg and milk mixture. I made a bourbon butter sauce last weekend for my hummingbird cupcakes and had some leftover that I froze.  It made an outstanding syrup for the french toast.

The following link will take you to a printable version of the Bourbon Sauce…

It was an ‘easy like Sunday morning’ breakfast!

I thought of my brother-in-law this morning. He makes french toast for his family every Sunday!

I think each of us must have a favorite day of the week and a favorite family tradition that goes along with it.

‘Til we meet again…

Wishing you a day that fills you with that …

‘Easy like Sunday morning’ feeling,

A day that is blessed simply….and simply blessed with

family and tradition!

Happy Trails!



27 thoughts on “Easy like Sunday morning….and Kentucky style french toast!

  1. The bourbon would be such a lovely “adult” addition to the flavor of a morning’s breakfast! This is an excellent idea.. as is the relaxing Sunday morning breakfasts. I’d love to have that sort of tradition, if my kids would just wake up long enough to join us, lol! I guess we can relax on our own:) xx


    1. Ah yes…Southern tradition! 🙂 If you cook the alcohol out it isn’t imbibing…right? The flavor is just so unique and it really was delicious on the french toast. Thank you for sharing your take on the toast! 🙂


  2. When I first saw that picture of french toast it reminded me of the french toast my grandmother used to make whenever we visited her. We loved it, and it was always a treat… and your picture looks exactly like hers did! Then you started sharing your family traditions and Sundays, and I thought, “how ironic!” One of my only young memories is of my dad reading the Sunday comics to my sis and me, sprawled out on the floor of our living room. Thanks for the memories. Amazing how you were able to trigger that in so many ways. Now… off to daydream about that bread-puddingy french toast. Yum!


    1. Thank you for sharing your memories…love it! That, right there, is one of the reasons I blog! 🙂 Thank you! Wishing you a day full of blessings…and good memories!


  3. Hello Victoria, thanks so much for stopping by my site so that I could find your delicious website. I love your delicious French toast and I agree that Sundays are the perfect family day and just having everyone home and cooking a family meal makes me feel happy. Looking forward to keeping in touch. Take Care, BAM


    1. Yes…Sunday’s are splendid, aren’t they? My pleasure to visit ‘your kitchen’ and nice to see you here at ‘The Range’! 🙂 Thank you for your kind compliment. Will see you around the kitchen table…or here again. 🙂 Have a blessed day!


  4. Hi, there,
    Thanks for dropping by my blog and for commenting on the Vintage Brides post. I’ll be back to look around in a day or two – ready for bed right now!


  5. Yum! Bourbon and Kentucky go hand in hand. I once had a huge cinnamon roll in Lexington that had a bourbon icing. (Powdered sugar and drizzle of bourbon)
    Imagine a bourbon ball melting on top of a hot cinnamon roll! Oh my it was good! Not all bourbon is smooth. I prefer Makers Mark for everything from bourbon balls to ham glaze. Sheila


    1. Yes…the bourbon capital! We are not drinkers…but sure love the flavor of bourbon in cooking! I AM tempted to drink up all of the bourbon glaze or sauce whenever I make it! I have used it in bbq sauce and a few other things as well. I have been using Four Roses Bourbon. We went to the distillery and took the tour…something that I shall post on this blog because it is an interesting part of Kentucky history and it was fun. I do plan to do some of those bourbon balls as well. Hmmm….on a cinnamon roll you say! ~ Blessings!


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